Monday, February 7, 2011

Parent Newsletter: Fifth Week of School

Dear Parents,
Today we did a writing and art lesson based off of the book, The Jacket I Wear in the Snow, by Shirley Neitzel. I want to thank you if you sent in any spare craft supplies such as zippers, pockets, buttons, string, sequins, cottonballs, etc. It was a big help and the children really appreciated it. To begin the lesson I read the book, The Jacket I Wear in the Snow to the entire class. Then I had the students discuss the different dream jackets they might like to have. We created a chart that listed different colors, fabrics, and designs the students would make their jackets with. Next, I had each student will write a paragraph of what their dream jacket would look like and include a rough sketch of it above their description. On a large cut out paper of a jacket students created their jackets using coloring supplies, zippers, pockets, buttons, decals, etc. After all the students’ jackets were completed I added their initials to their jacket with a glitter pen to personalize each one. Finally we gathered around the carpet and each child explained to the class why they chose to decorate their jacket the way they did. I am going to hang all the jackets from the ceiling by a piece of string for the students to admire all winter. Thanks for all your help. The students truly enjoyed this activity and were able to express their creative sides.
                                                                                    Ms. Gammell

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