Monday, January 24, 2011

Parent Newsletter: Third Week of School

Dear Parents,
            Today in social studies class we learned about the different kinds of transportation. We gathered on the carpet and came up with a list of different means of transportation. The class came up with: car, boat, airplane, bus, train, and bicycle. We then made a class chart of who has had the chance to ride on each. For example, I asked the class who has traveled by airplane. Then the kids that had traveled by plane raised their hand and we added there name to that section of the chart. We then discussed how an airplane works and the students shared what their experiences were like traveling by means of these forms of transportation. Some of the student responses for traveling on an airplane were, “it was fun”, “I could see the clouds”, and “we went really fast.” The students were then given a coloring book I had previously created including photos of these means of transportation. Each student colored the pictures and shared their favorite one with the class. The students learned a great deal about transportation and had a lot of fun doing it.
                                                                                    Ms. Gammell

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