Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Parent Newsletter: First Week Of Kindergarten

Dear Parents,

This is the first week of school for students. For the first couple days I have been describing class rules and duties. I know beginning Kindergarten can be a stressful time for children so I would like to make their transition as easy and comfortable as possible.I have tried very hard to make the Kindegarten students feel at home by pointing out the bathrooms, main office, gym, and other classrooms that the students will utilize such as the art room. Today, we learned the rules of Kindergarten. Our classroom rules are as follows:
1.)  Be nice to others.
2.) Raise your hand
3.) Share with your friends
4.) Follow directions
5.) Always do your best

In addition to discussing our class rules, we assigned class duties. There are five main duties that the students will be assigned to complete as student helpers. Each week new students will be assigned to the five duties. Throughout the year each student will be able to complete each of the five duties as a student helper. The various duties include:
-Line Leader: Leads the class to and from the classroom.
-Caboose: Stands at the end of the line and makes sure everyone in the classrooms stays together.
-Door Holder: Holds the door open for classmates as we exit and enter the classroom.
-Lunch Helper: Helps pass out lunches and carries the lunch basket to the lunch room.
-Electrician: Turns on and off the lights as we exit or enter the classroom.

I am excited to begin the school year and look forward to teaching your children.
                                                                                             Ms. Gammell

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